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Biogas stations

Biogas stations are technological devices that proces biomass (organic materials or organic waste) in reactors through a controlled anaerobic digestion proces (a proces by which microorganisms decompose organic materiál withnout air access). Controlled anaerobic digestion is an ecologically perspective way of using biomass, respectively organic waste and energy crops. For anaerobic digestion can be used other identical terms – anaerobic fermantation or methane fermentation.

The product of anaerobic digestion is mainly biogas, and then digestate (liquid residue after evisceration). Biogas has a calorific value in the range 18 – 26 MJ/m3, its heating value is dependent on methane content (50 – 70%). Digestate can be used as good organic fertilizer. However, it can be divided into two parts: fugate (liquid part), which can be also used as a fertilizer; and a separate (fixed part), that we use as a bedding in boxes for cattle.

Biogas produced in reactor is burned in cogeneration unit, where combined electricity and heat production takes place. Waste heat can be used to heat buildings, dryers or to heat water. At present (2018) there are more than 560 stations in the Czech republic (2008 – about 20 stations) and their map is availible at

Bioplynová stanice Krásná Hora

Bioplynová stanice Krásná Hora

Supplier: FARMTEC a.s.
WOLF Systém spol. s.r.o. 
Output: 526 kW 
Heat output: 580 kW
Electricity output: 549 kW 
Input materials:  liquid beef manure, corn sillage, grass senage
Year of commissioning:   2008 

The first biogas station of our company was built in 2008 at campus of the ZD Krásná Hora nad Vltavou. I tis a biogas station using a wet anaerobic fermentation proces, which produces biogas that is burned in a cogeneration unit. As a source of energy are used corn sillage, grass senage nad a liquid beef manure from local stables. On average, over 20 tonnes of sillage with senage and 44 tonnes of liquid beef manure are consumed daily in this biogas plant.

Bioplynová stanice Petrovice

Bioplynová stanice Petrovice

Supplier: FARMTEC a.s.
WOLF Systém spol. s.r.o. 
Output: 834 kW 
Heat output: 924 kW 
Electricity output:  
Input materials: liquid beef manure, corn sillage, grass senage 
Year of commissioning:  2010 

The construction of the biogas station Petrovice was completed in 2010. It is more powerfull station than in Krásná Hora. This station also uses the wet fermentation method and the same input feedstock – corn silage, grass senage and liquid beef manure. The average daily materiál consumption of this biogas station is 36 tones of sillage with senage and 42 tonnes of liquid beef manure

At the both biogas stations we use input raw materials only from our own sources so we aren’t dependent on external suppliers.